Life of Fiber

a photo essay

Life of Fiber

In the rolling farm country of upstate New York, farmer Lisa Ferguson raises goats and alpacas for fiber. Her natural fiber business, the Laughing Goat Fiber Farm in Ithaca, New York, was started in 2009 on the property her family has lived on for over 20 years. Transitioning to working full time on the farm in 2015 after a long career as a network engineer, Ferguson cares for over 90 animals morning and night. Ferguson’s love affair with natural fiber began over 25 years ago when she transitioned a passion for knitting into an experiment with raising her own goats. Enamored after purchasing the first one, she quickly expanded her herd. “It’s a slippery slope with goats,” she says. A herd of six can suddenly turn into a whole barn.

As winter fades into spring, life in the barn becomes hectic and vibrant. The goats are restless and eager to be let outside onto fresh grass, the pregnant mothers begin having their babies, and the young kids play freely inside the barn. Ferguson attentively tends her herd through one of the busiest times of year.

Photo essay and captions by Edie McRoberts.

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Goat Portraits

Ferguson’s barn is full of unique and interesting personalities. Her goats are known for being friendly and loving people. Meet some members of the herd.

Alpaca Shearing

In addition to raising goats, Ferguson also raises alpacas for their thick fur. She calls in a family of professional shearers in the spring to collect the fiber.