Life of Fiber

a photo essay

Alpaca Shearing

Ferguson raises alpacas in addition to her goats to supplement the fiber. Every spring, she hires a family of professional alpaca shearers to harvest the fiber. The family of Don (father), Jen (mother), Avery (daughter), and Austin (son) Tompkins are efficient and skilled. This year, they were in and out in 42 minutes, shearing 7 alpacas. They had many farms to make it to that day, and didn’t waste any time. While Don sits ready with the trimmers, Austin will wrangle the alpacas and flip them onto the ground, where Jen and Avery are waiting to tie up their feet and keep them as still and calm as possible.

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Photo Essay

In the rolling farm country of upstate New York, farmer Lisa Ferguson raises goats and alpacas for fiber. Her natural fiber business is the Laughing Goat Fiber Farm.

Goat Portraits

Ferguson’s barn is full of unique and interesting personalities. Her goats are known for being friendly and loving people. Meet some members of the herd.